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Can doctors discuss test results over the phone?

Can doctors discuss test results over the phone?

They aren’t allowed to tell you over the phone. Some might do but technically this is illegal. Many doctors like to keep on top of things amd deal with test results as soon as they come back rather than wait for you to book another appointment.

Can doctors leave results on voicemail?

Leaving biopsy results on voicemail could be a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) violation. However, unless the patient has directed the clinician to leave the results on the voicemail, the clinician cannot assume that the voicemail is private and restricted to that individual.

Can doctors give test results over voicemail?

You can…but it’s important to ask for the patient’s permission first. Usually the patient’s family is involved in the medical issues of their family members…but some medical information is more private. Unless the patient asks the doctor to leave a message regarding their medical information, it is wise not to.

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Would a doctor leave a voicemail?

Yes. The HIPAA Privacy Rule permits health care providers to communicate with patients regarding their health care. This includes communicating with patients at their homes, whether through the mail or by phone or in some other manner.

Does leaving a voicemail violate Hipaa?

Answer: Yes. The HIPAA Privacy Rule permits health care providers to communicate with patients regarding their health care. In addition, the Rule does not prohibit covered entities from leaving messages for patients on their answering machines.

Can receptionists see blood test results?

What can the receptionist tell me? The receptionists are only able to give limited information about test results, depending on what the doctor will have noted when they were received. If the doctor has commented that they are normal, the receptionist can tell you this.