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Can firebase send OTP?

Can firebase send OTP?

FYI- (https://firebase.google.com/docs/android/setup#available-libraries). Firebase authenticates the user by sending One Time Password (OTP) via SMS to their phones. …

How do I send OTP to verify?

How it works:

  1. User enters their phone number or email.
  2. App generates an authentication token.
  3. App sends the token via selected channel to the user.
  4. User enters the correct token.
  5. App verifies the token.

How do I verify my email on Firebase?

Enable Email Link sign-in for your Firebase project

  1. In the Firebase console, open the Auth section.
  2. On the Sign in method tab, enable the Email/Password provider.
  3. In the same section, enable Email link (passwordless sign-in) sign-in method.
  4. Click Save.

How does react native verify OTP?


  1. Append the following lines to android/settings.gradle : include ‘:react-native-otp-verify’ project(‘:react-native-otp-verify’). projectDir = new File(rootProject.
  2. Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle : compile project(‘:react-native-otp-verify’)

How do I remove Captcha verification from Firebase phone auth using Android?

You can remove reCaptcha by Enabling the Android Device Verification API in Your Project on google cloud console. You can do that by Adding Your Project there. After that you should also add SHA-256 key in Your Firebase Project in Project Setting. Now there will be no reCaptchaa to verify to that your are not a robot.

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How do I send OTP code?

Check your email inbox for the OTP verification code and then enter the code into the corresponding box and click the “Submit” button. 5b) When selecting Phone (SMS), enter your mobile phone number (in the format shown) and click “Submit” to confirm it. An OTP verification code will be sent to your phone via SMS.