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Can Golden Frieza beat Super Saiyan blue?

Can Golden Frieza beat Super Saiyan blue?

In his Golden Form, he was easily able to beat Super Saiyan God Goku. So we know Golden Frieza is as strong as Super Saiyan Blue. We also saw Frieza control his Golden Form better during the Tournament of Power, so Golden Frieza could potentially get even stronger than Super Saiyan Blue one day.

Is Golden Frieza stronger than SSB Vegeta?

No, they are both equals. He is stated to be stronger than Vegeta though, it was stated in an animedia featurette that Goku and Frieza were tied in number 1 in their universe team.

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What is the weakness of Golden Frieza?

With Goku helpless and severely injured, Frieza then kicks him sadistically and tells him his weakness: his excessive strength makes him careless, as Frieza prepares to kill Goku once and for all to finally complete his revenge, Vegeta interrupts the killing blow after appearing to their location.

Who is stronger Golden Frieza or cooler?

29 Weaker: Cooler Frieza managed to put up a much better fight against Super Saiyan Goku. He actually managed to get a few hits in. It was his lack of stamina that let him down ultimately. However, at his 100\% strength, Frieza is stronger than Cooler.

Who beats Frieza the second time?

Frieza was killed 2 times! He was first killed by Trunks in Dragon Ball Z, and then killed a second time by Goku in the Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F movie.

Why are half blooded Saiyans stronger?

The half breed saiyans are said to be stronger simply because they’re the progeny of Goku and Vegeta. As a result in order to make them relevant they’re stated to have more potential than pure blooded saiyans. But Broli, Vegeta, and Kakarot were all stronger than their fathers even though they’re full blooded saiyans.

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Is Golden Frieza stronger than Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta?

Golden frieza is an exact equal to pre tourney of power SSB goku. If Frieza can only questionably defeat the regular Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta, this much stronger Vegeta defeats him.

Can Frieza defeat Goku in a fight?

Despite all the power Frieza has in his power, he’s never been able to defeat Goku in a one-on-one fight. When they first met, Goku was able to transform into a Super Saiyan and defeated Frieza. Then, after Frieza was revived and was able to transform into his Golden form, Goku was able to kill him by turning Super Saiyan Blue.

Could trunks have beaten Golden Frieza?

Sure, Goku and Vegeta were able to team up with Trunks and the three finally defeated Zamasu and Goku Black, Trunks wouldn’t be able to take on Golden Frieza Sure, Vegeta was brutally murdered by Frieza, but you can’t keep a good Saiyan down, especially one that was brung back by Shenron.

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How powerful is Frieza’s Golden form?

Frieza’s Golden form is powerful, but it takes a lot of energy out of him. Even with his mental training in Hell, Frieza has shown that he still needs to preserve it. While Android 17 is a powerful android, thanks to his years of training, 18 hasn’t been as lucky. After the Cell games, she’s mostly put her fighting days behind her.
