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Can I ask for a different therapist?

Can I ask for a different therapist?

You can be open with your new therapist about any feelings of sadness or fear you’re having about the transition. They’ve likely worked with many people in this situation, and may have insights and guidance to help you adjust. Learn more about how to vet a new therapist, including questions to ask.

When should a client be referred to another therapist?

It is appropriate to refer someone to another professional if something within the counseling relationship affects your ability to provide therapy. Some people, for instance, may flirt casually with their therapists. The flirting could create an opportunity to discuss transference and provide room for exploration.

How do I ask my therapist for more?

11 Questions To Ask Your Therapist To Make The Most Of Your Time With Them

  1. “What Kind Of Therapy Do You Offer?”
  2. “How Will I Know We’re A Good Fit?”
  3. “What Will My Treatment Plan Look Like?”
  4. “Can You Help Me Create Some Goals?”
  5. “Can You Recap What We Talked About?”
  6. “What Should I Work On This Week?”
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Is it OK to have two therapists?

You might feel unable to fully invest in the exercises that your therapists assign when you’re overloaded by multiple assignments and different approaches. But seeing more than one therapist isn’t necessarily a “bad” or “wrong” decision, and may actually be a right way to go for your personal needs!

Is it OK to have 2 therapists?

Yes it is okay to see two therapist at the same time, especially if they are both helping you. Not advisable if it is for the same reason. Therapists do not work at the same speed or even in the same order.

How do I refer to another therapist?

Use a therapist platform to find great referral options You could even look through a therapist directory with your client, pointing out the kinds of therapists you think would suit them best, so that even if they don’t end up going with your referral options, they know what to look for in the future.