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Can I carry a Swiss Army knife in public?

Can I carry a Swiss Army knife in public?

Generally a Swiss Army Knife will be legal to carry in the USA. There will be exceptions such as restricted areas like airport security and maybe government buildings. Some of the larger ones such as the Trekker and similar models might violate state or local blade length laws.

Can I bring a pocket knife to UK?

It’s illegal to possess a banned knife or weapon. It’s also illegal to: bring into the UK, sell, hire, lend or give someone a banned knife or weapon. carry any knife in public without good reason, unless it has a manual folding blade less than 3 inches long.

Can you carry a knife for protection UK?

It is illegal to carry a knife, even if it belongs to somebody else and if you are caught you will be arrested. Anyone who is carrying a knife and is intending to use it as a weapon – even in self-defence – can be arrested, go to court and receive a police record or even a prison sentence of up to 4 years.

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Is a Swiss Army Knife considered a concealed weapon?

This includes a “pocketknife” or “Swiss army knife,” box cutter, or “utility knife.” According to California Penal Code Section 17235, all folding knives are legal in the state and may be concealed as long as they are in the folded position. There is also no restriction on the blade length of a folding knife.

Is Swiss Army knife legal UK?

Knives. It’s illegal to: carry a knife in public without good reason – unless it’s a knife with a folding blade 3 inches long (7.62 cm) or less, e.g. a Swiss Army knife (a “lock knife” does not come into the category of “folding pocket knife” because it is not immediately foldable at all times)

Can you carry Swiss Army Knife UK?

It is legal to carry a Swiss army knife in the UK so long as the ”blade three inches long (6.72cm) or less” and the blade does not “lock out” .

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Can you fly with a Swiss Army knife UK?

Officially, EU regulations allow passengers to travel with bladed items no longer than 6cm — the Swiss Army knife is the same length – but an aviation security expert said people would not be able to board flights in the UK if carrying the knives.

Can you carry Swiss Army knife UK?

Can you carry a Swiss Army Knife UK?

Is it legal to carry a Swiss Army knife in England?

Carrying a Swiss Army knife or other folding penknife with a main blade no longer than 3 inches is perfectly OK under the law of England and Wales unless it is proved that you intend to use it as an offensive weapon (contrary to the Prevention of Crime Act 1953), or unless it is intended for use in a burglary,…

What are the knife laws in the UK?

UK Knife laws 1 Abuse is still illegal. Also remember that using any knife (legal or illegal) in any threatening way, is also illegal. 2 UK Friendly. Because of the conditions listed above, we like to call these knives UK friendly instead of UK Legal. 3 Knife free zones. 4 Other banned knives.

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Are You allowed to carry a pocket knife in the UK?

Whether you are allowed to carry the knife in public is a different story. UK knife law allows you to carry non-locking pocket knives with a blade length up to 3 inches (7.62 cm) without any need for a valid reason.

What are the rules for carrying a knife in South Africa?

sell a knife to anyone under 18, unless it has a folding blade 3 inches long (7.62 cm) or less. carry a knife in public without good reason, unless it has a folding blade with a cutting edge 3 inches long or less. carry, buy or sell any type of banned knife. use any knife in a threatening way (even a legal knife)