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Can I download my Bluprint classes?

Can I download my Bluprint classes?

Tap Own Forever Library. Tap Own Forever Video. Tap the class you want to download the lessons for. Following the instructions here, https://help.mybluprint.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021279032-Offline-Viewing, click the icon to download one or more lessons from the class.

What happened to all my Craftsy classes?

All of the classes that customers had purchased when Bluprint closed will be in their accounts at launch. TN Marketing decided to revert back to the Craftsy brand, rather than sticking with the short-lived Bluprint moniker. There will be both a subscription and an a la carte model.

Does Craftsy have an app?

On the search results page, scroll down to the row titled Apps & Games. Within this row, you should see the Craftsy app. Highlight the app and press enter. On the app detail page, scroll down and highlight “Get” and press enter.

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What’s happened to Craftsy?

Craftsy was merged entirely into Bluprint in January 2019. Bluprint assets were acquired by TN Marketing in July 2020, which launched a new site, reverted to Craftsy, later in the year.

Is Bluprint Craftsy closing?

Good news – BluPrint is NOT closing. It’s been taken over by TN Marketing who will be relaunching under the Craftsy brand from 1st Sept 2020. So no need to panic and worry that all of your own forever classes will be lost. Great news.

What happened blueprint?

Bluprint originally launched as Craftsy in 2011. The company was acquired by NBCU in 2017, which renamed it a year later as Bluprint and changed the model from selling a la carte videos to a subscription service with more than 3,000 hours of instructional videos at $15 per month.

Can I download my Craftsy classes?

Although Craftsy/Bluprint has never been unique as a source of good information, you may want to download your classes so you don’t loose your ‘lifetime access’ to much good material. The download app at Bluprint-Craftsy only works for iOS/ Android (instructions here).

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How do I email Craftsy?

For questions about our website, Premium Membership, or single Class sales, please email us at [email protected] or call us at 1-888-891-7203.

How can I watch Craftsy on my TV?

Select “Search Channels” and enter “Craftsy.” Select the “Craftsy” channel and then click “Add Channel.” The Craftsy channel should now appear in the list of channels on the Home screen.

Is Craftsy still active?

The good news for all of us is that Craftsy lives on!! In July 2020, TN Marketing announced they had purchased the Craftsy assets, and last fall relaunched our original and beloved Craftsy platform.

Is blueprint the same as Craftsy?

Craftsy Unlimited, the subscription streaming portion of Craftsy.com, will rebrand as Bluprint on July 17. The new site will be available at mybluprint.com. Bluprint will include the 1,300 classes currently available on Craftsy Unlimited in areas such as knitting, sewing, crochet, and quilting.

How much does Craftsy cost?

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Craftsy has a new pricing plan, and it’s subscription-based. The monthly subscription plan costs $7.99, and the yearly is $79.99. You can pay monthly or annually. If you choose a yearly Craftsy subscription plan, you will save 15.89\%.