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Can I draft my own contract?

Can I draft my own contract?

A contract is an agreement that two or more parties enter into that is legally binding and enforceable by a court. Essentially, anyone can draft a contract on their own; an attorney is not required to form a valid contract.

In what types of circumstances is it beneficial to hire a lawyer to draft up a contract?

Having an attorney involved in drafting or reviewing your contract can help you avoid risks and expensive disputes. Lawyers are trained to write contracts that clearly explain what each party will do and to anticipate problems that might arise.

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What is an NNN agreement?

A triple net lease (triple-net or NNN) is a lease agreement on a property whereby the tenant or lessee promises to pay all the expenses of the property, including real estate taxes, building insurance, and maintenance.

What is NNN agreement China?

NNN Agreements are the Chinese equivalent to the western world’s Non-Disclosure Agreement(NDA). An effective NNN agreement is used to help protect your confidentiality when working with manufacturers directly in China. NNN agreements include non-disclosure, non-circumvention, and non-use clauses.

Can non lawyers draft contracts?

Non-lawyers certainly cannot independently draft pleadings, agreements, or other legal documents whenever that work would require them to make substantive decisions regarding the contents of those documents or the language to be used.

How long does it take to draw up a contract?

The amount of time it takes to draft a contract ultimately depends upon your specific needs. A basic, one-page agreement could take a few days, whereas a lengthy, complex document could take several weeks or months.

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Do all lawyers draft contracts?

There is no requirement that lawyers draft every contract and, like other areas in the law, you may be fine editing a form contract to suit your needs. However, if there is any money at stake, not having a lawyer properly draft a contract is tantamount to rolling the dice.

What are the disadvantages of hiring a lawyer to draft or review a contract?

On the other hand, some drawbacks of hiring a contract review attorney may include:

  • Spending unnecessary funds on hiring an attorney to review a simple and straightforward agreement;
  • Having to wait for an attorney to review a contract, which in turn, will delay signing it and moving forward with a business deal;

Does an NDA work in China?

NDA Agreements are Not Enforceable in China. Chinese law allows for protecting trade secrets and for contracts that provide NNN protections. But if such a contract is going to be effective in China it should be written in Chinese, governed by Chinese law, and exclusively enforceable in a Chinese court.

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What does non-circumvention mean?

By J. Gerard Legagneur, Esq. The purpose of a non-circumvention (or non-circumvent) agreement is to prevent one or more parties from being passed over in a transaction, leaving them without full compensation for their labor or involvement.

Is NDA enforceable in China?

NDA Agreements are Not Enforceable in China. The second fundamental problem with typical NDA agreements is that they are not enforceable in China. Chinese law allows for protecting trade secrets and for contracts that provide NNN protections.

Are law students allowed to draft contracts?

No… By law this is not allowed. Only an advocate can practice law, which is defined to include drafting agreements and deeds. Transactional practice has been held to be practice of law by the Supreme Court.