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Can I eat yogurt after hernia?

Can I eat yogurt after hernia?

You can eat your normal diet. If your stomach is upset, try bland, low-fat foods like plain rice, broiled chicken, toast, and yogurt. Drink plenty of fluids (unless your doctor tells you not to). You may notice that your bowel movements are not regular right after your surgery.

Can I eat rice after hernia?

You must not eat breads, crackers, biscuits, chunky meats such as steaks and dry meals such as cold cuts. You can now start eating soft food such as well cooked pasta, minced meat, flaked fish, well cooked rice, pulses and vegetables with plenty of sauce.

What should you not eat with a hernia?

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Foods and beverages to avoid

  • onions and garlic.
  • certain citrus fruits such as limes and oranges.
  • tomatoes and tomato-based foods, such as salsa and spaghetti sauce.
  • spicy foods.
  • fried foods.
  • foods high in sodium.
  • cocoa and chocolate.
  • peppermint and mint.

Is yogurt good for hiatal hernia?

Fermented or cultured foods that are rich in probiotics (acid-neutralizing stomach bacteria) may also help reduce hiatal hernia symptoms. Popular fermented foods include: unsweetened yogurt.

Can I eat oatmeal After hernia?

Right after hiatal hernia surgery you’ll need to stick to a clear liquid diet, like broths, jello, and popsicles. When ready, your doctor will allow you to progress to soft foods like oatmeal and yogurt, and later you can move towards foods like mashed potatoes, fish and pasta.

What foods aggravate a hernia?

Hiatal Hernia: Foods That May Cause Symptoms

  • Citrus foods, such as oranges, grapefruits, and lemons, and orange juice, grapefruit juice, cranberry juice, and lemonade.
  • Chocolate.
  • Fatty and fried foods, such as fried chicken and fatty cuts of meat.
  • Garlic and onions.
  • Spicy food.
  • Peppermint and spearmint.
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How do you prevent a hernia from getting bigger?

Wise Choices

  1. Avoid heavy lifting when you can. Lifting puts stress on the groin.
  2. When you must lift, don’t bend over. Lift objects by using the legs, not the back.
  3. Eat high-fiber foods and drink plenty of water. This helps prevent constipation and straining during bowel movements.
  4. Maintain a healthy body weight.

Can I drink milk with a hiatal hernia?

Hiatal Hernia: Foods That May Cause Symptoms They may cause heartburn symptoms. Dairy products, such as whole milk, ice cream, and creamed food. Try soy milk; it may be a good milk substitute. Also, mild cheeses, like feta or goat, may be enjoyed in moderation.

Can we eat non veg after hernia?

There are no restrictions on taking a non-vegetarian diet or meat after a hernia operation. They must take adequate fibre because, after hernia operation, it is always advisable not to have constipation. The stool has to be kept soft. Hence, they should be encouraged to take adequate fibre and adequate fluids.

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What foods should I avoid with an inguinal hernia?

Fatty Food – Saturated or trans fats food items such as red meat, processed food, high-fat dairy products, hydrogenated vegetable oil should be strictly avoided because these food items lead to inflammation and an increase in weight that possess the risk of increasing the problem of hernia.