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Can I get a massage without draping?

Can I get a massage without draping?

Draping laws for massage therapists in the United States seem to be unclear to some people. If you are a licensed massage therapist in the state of Utah or any other American state for that matter, you know that it is illegal to not utilize draping in your massage sessions.

Is it OK to not be covered during a massage?

Every client should undress and dress in private; the state of undress is up to the client. Some clients remain fully clothed except for their shoes. Others wear a hospital-type gown, leave their underwear on or are nude.

Is draping important in massage?

Good draping not only makes a client feel more comfortable, but it also helps keep the body area you have just worked on warm. This helps to maximise the effects of the massage. Re-cover areas that you have just worked on to keep the client warm and comfortable.

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Do you have to wear a towel during a massage?

You’ll find that most massage therapists are very skilled at protecting your modesty and making you feel comfortable; you’ll never have to uncover anything you’d rather not. Your therapist will explain how much you need to take off, give you a towel to cover yourself and then leave the room while you get ready.

What does draping mean in massage?

Draping is the technique of uncovering only the part of the body that is being worked on during massage Draping allows you to be undressed to you comfort level underneath a sheet or and feel safe, warm, and unexposed.

Is draping required for massage in Texas?

The state does require therapists and massage establishments to provide a statement on their client intake form about draping requirements. It must be verbally communicated and mutually agreed upon by both the therapist and the client before the appointment begins. Draping is automatically provided.

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Is draping required for massage in California?

(4) Require a massage establishment to have a shower or bath. (5) Impose client draping requirements that extend beyond the covering of genitalia and female breasts, or otherwise mandate that the client wear special clothing.

Is draping required in Texas?