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Can I refund a Steam game if I played more than 2 hours?

Can I refund a Steam game if I played more than 2 hours?

You can request a refund even if you’ve played the game for more than 2 hours, but whether you actually get the refund will be at Valve’s discretion. They’re more willing to give refunds for technical problems, but may not be so lenient otherwise, especially if the game you want to refund is short.

How many hours on a Steam game until you can’t refund?

two hours
Steam’s refund policy allows users to return games “within two weeks of purchase and with less than two hours of playtime” for any reason.

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Does Steam count hours for non Steam games?

1 Answer. Steam does not offer any time tracking for non-Steam games. It’s a greatly requested feature, but there has been no word on reasoning or plans for the future.

What is the most hours someone has on a Steam game?

The world record of the most gaming hours on Steam belongs to “Tuong” (Steam Community :: Tuong [ http://steamcommunity.com/id/dohuytuong/ ]) who has logged 1,239,859 hours!

Can steam refuse a refund?

From there, Valve will either approve or deny your refund. If approved, refunds can take up to seven days to appear, with more extended periods for international refunds. Don’t worry if your request is denied, either. Customers can appeal an original denial by sending in an additional refund request.

How do I get my steam refund after 2 hours Reddit?

Got a Steam refund after 2+ hours – this is how (don’t use the normal refund option!)

  1. Go to help.steampowered.com and login.
  2. Do NOT use the normal refund method!
  3. Click “Purchases”
  4. Under “LAST SIX MONTHS OF PURCHASES” you should find Wolcen.
  5. Click “I have a question about this purchase”.
  6. Here you plead your case.
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How do I track hours played on a non Steam game?

Starts here3:59Track Playtime For Non-Steam Games – YouTubeYouTube

How are Steam hours counted?

The hours on steam is only logged if you are playing while connected to the steam network. If you are playing while steam is offline or steam somehow loses connection, no hours will be logged. If your game is modded in some way and launched via a third party exe, it will not be counted.

How strict are Steam refunds?

Steam will offer refund for in-game purchases within any Valve-developed games within forty-eight hours of purchase, so long as the in-game item has not been consumed, modified or transferred. Otherwise, in-game purchases in non-Valve games are not refundable through Steam.

Does steam count playtime when refunding a game?

Only if you run Steam in Offline mode (Click Steam in top left corner and Go Offline) then your playtime won’t count. Oh I doubt that. That would allow people to buy a game. Go into offline mode, play it until they finish and hopefully it’ll be done within the two weeks before they could refund.

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Does 2 hours of game time count as playtime on Steam?

Originally Answered: if you logged 2 hours of game time on any Steam game, does that count under the “less than 2 hours” limit on Steam for its refund policy? Yes. After purchase you have 14 days or 2 hours of playtime (whichever comes first) to request a refund for your game.

How long is the refund play limit on Xbox One?

The refund play limit is ‘less than 2 hours’. 2 hours is 2 hours. If you log that, you’re past the limit. 1 hour 59 minutes is ‘less than’ that time period. It’s pretty straightforward.

Can you still get a refund if you don’t refund games?

Yes, you still could get a refund. The “Less than 2 hours played and Less then 14 days owned” rule is specifically saying that if you’re in those bounds (and there’s no evidence of abuse, which usually means performing an exorbitant number of refunds with ~2 hours played on each) you will get a refund.