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Can I replace R22 with R134a?

Can I replace R22 with R134a?

Using R134a in Systems Designed for R22 If you have a home or auto air conditioner designed to work with R22 refrigerant and the system needs a recharge, a number of issues prevent the direct substitution of R134a. R134a has a lower thermal conductivity than R22, so an R134a system needs a larger heat exchanger.

Can you replace R22 with R407A?

R407A is a HFC blend, used as a replacement for R22 and R404A in low and medium temperature supermarket applications.

Can you mix R134a and R22?

The different types of refrigerants are not meant to be mixed. The refrigerant charge must be optimized by using the refrigerant’s respective pressure-temperature chart. But when mixing an alternative refrigerant with R-22, there’s no pressure-temperature chart you can refer to.

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Is R22 better than R134a?

R134a is more powerful than R22 on the swelling of rubber, and the leakage rate is higher in the actual operation. R134a has a strong corrosive to copper, causing “copper plating phenomenon” in use of the process, so there must additive in the system.

What is R407A used for?

Freon™ 407A (R-407A) refrigerant is a reliable, stable, and nonflammable option for low- and medium-temperature refrigeration systems. This non-ozone depleting, hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerant is a replacement for R-22 and provides a lower global warming potential (GWP) alternative to R-404A and R-507.

Can you mix 407C refrigerant with R22?

Mixing R22 with R407C or any other refrigerant. According to the 609 EPA rule, mixing refrigerants is illegal and anybody caught doing so will be heavily fined. If your system is running on R22 most likely is using mineral oil to lubricate the compressor.

Can you use R12 in a R22 system?

R12 and R22 are both now banned by the EPA in the United States. Other more environmentally friendly alternatives exist, but even those cannot be changed in air conditioners or other refrigeration units with R12 without a thorough cleaning of the unit.

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Is R407A flammable?

R-407A is not flammable in air under ambient conditions of temperatures and pressure. However, this material will become combustible when mixed with air at elevated pressure and/or temperature in the presence of an ignition sources.

IS 407C a replacement for R22?

Freon™ 407C has been a popular R-22 replacement because of its properties, which include: Similar cooling capacity, energy efficiency, and pressures as R-22 in systems.

IS 407C better than R22?

The best replacement for R-22 Freon is usually R-407c. It has a very low loss in capacity (0 – 5\%) relative to R-22 and is less expensive than many other R-22 replacement refrigerants. You should never under any circumstances add replacement refrigerant to a system that has any R22 refrigerant left in it.