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Can I stream on Twitch and mixer at the same time?

Can I stream on Twitch and mixer at the same time?

As long as you are not partnered, you can stream on Mixer, Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and DLive all at the same time! If you are partnered with one of the streaming platforms, you need to read your contract to make sure you are allowed to restream to another platform.

Can you use OBS and twitch studio at the same time?

You can now use the OBS-NDI Toolkit with Twitch Studio if you have a two PC setup so that you can have maximum performance on your main (gaming) computer while your streaming computer handles the encoding load and you DO NOT need a capture card!

Can I stream with OBS and Streamlabs at the same time?

Luckily, Streamlabs OBS makes it super easy to record and stream simultaneously. All you have to do is hit the “Rec” button in the bottom right, next to “Go Live.” The Output settings menu is the key to setting up Streamlabs OBS for recording.

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Can you stream to mixer from OBS?

If you’re hoping to use your audio mixer for live streaming in OBS, you’ll need to connect a microphone to one of the inputs on the mixer. You can do this by turning the gain upon the input that the mic is plugged into and talking into the capsule, monitoring the audio meter on the mixer.

Does fortnite pay ninja?

Ninja, the world’s most popular gamer, makes $500,000 every month playing ‘Fortnite’ — here’s how he does it.

How do I go live on Twitch with OBS?

How to use OBS

  1. Open OBS.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select Stream.
  4. Set Service to Twitch and click on Connect Account for the quickest setup.
  5. Log in to Twitch with your username and password.
  6. If you don’t want to connect your account directly, you can link Twitch to OBS via a stream key.

How does Streamlabs work with Twitch?

Streamlabs has teamed up with Twitch to help streamers improve broadcasts from an Xbox — without the need for a capture card. The web-based Streamlabs Studio will let streamers customize their broadcasts with widgets and overlays, such as a chat panel or live stream alerts.