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Can I sue a doctor in another country for malpractice?

Can I sue a doctor in another country for malpractice?

If a doctor abroad commits malpractice, most U.S. attorneys that specialize in medical malpractice will realize that they cannot get jurisdiction over the foreign defendants in a U.S. court. Most countries’ legal systems do not permit lawyers to sue on contingency fees.

Can you sue a doctor from another country?

There may be rare circumstances in which a doctor has the contacts with an American jurisdiction required to sue here, but that will be the rare exception. Even if a patient obtains a judgment in the United States, it may be very difficult to enforce the judgment in a foreign country.

Can you sue a doctor in us?

The Doctor Was Negligent The doctor must have been negligent in connection with your diagnosis or treatment. To sue for malpractice, you must be able to show that the doctor caused you harm in a way that a competent doctor, under the same circumstances, would not have.

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Can you sue a Mexican doctor?

1 attorney answer Unfortunately, if the doctor and hospital were exclusively Mexican in citizenry and status, and obviously no connection to any State within the U.S., you will not be able to sue them for medical malpractice…

How do I sue internationally?

You have to file your lawsuit in the right country and the right court. Most often, you will sue where the injury occurred. However, jurisdiction may depend on location and who you are suing. If companies with strong ties to the United States are involved, you may be able to sue in the United States.

Do other countries have medical malpractice?

Medical malpractice is handled differently outside the U.S. For instance, damages often have caps; many cases are determined by a judge instead of a jury; and some countries don’t take cases to court at all, but instead they go to the medical review board.

Which country has the most medical malpractice?

The differences between the two legal systems also influence the medical liability laws, for example in the Italian civil law system the breach of duty of care does not exist, while negligent personal injuries (lesioni personali colpose) that are not included in common law systems are prosecuted [9].