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Can I travel with only PNR number?

Can I travel with only PNR number?

Is PNR number enough to travel on the train? Yes, PNR number is enough to travel. If your ticket is confirmed and you know your seat number and PNR number you can travel without a ticket. But you have to approach TC and then show your valid ID proof.

Can we travel with a PNR number but without a counter ticket in the Indian Railway?

No, Counter ticket is a must during journey otherwise you will be treated as travelling without ticket and shall be dealt accordingly. PNR No/Photocopy/photo of the counter ticket will not serve any purpose. For you best is to get a duplicate ticket from the counter on payment of 25\% of the fare.

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Can I travel with ticket in message?

Assuming you have booked e-ticket online (Either through IRCTC or other travel website), you can travel with PNR message your received from IRCTC and original ID. For e-tickets you can use printout, email sent by IRCTC or SMS sent by IRCTC with one of the prescribed original IDs to travel.

Can we travel with waiting counter ticket in train?

Yes you can travel only if the ticket is not booked online. You can travel if you have a waitlisted ticket from PRS counter. But you will not get a seat there. However you can ask TTE for available seats as some cancellations take place after chart preparation also.

How can I receive SMS from Irctc?

  1. First Login in your IRCTC account.
  2. Click on My Account at the top right corner.
  3. After that Click on My Transactions and then click on Booked Ticket History.
  4. After that, you will get all booked history. Select the tickets which you want to get the message from IRCTC.
  5. After that Tap on Get SMS.
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How can I get railway ticket through SMS?

To get the SMS, login to your IRCTC account with your username and password. Then go to MY ACCOUNT>My Transactions>Booked Ticket History. You will see the option to receive SMS. If you booked ticket through any booking agent, then its their responsibility to send SMS or to give the printout of your ticket.

How can I get PNR status by SMS?

PNR status via SMS can be known through any mobile phone. You just have to SMS PNR to 139. Similarly, you can on 139 (Railway Enquiry Number) to know your PNR status.