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Can I use a passport that has my maiden name?

Can I use a passport that has my maiden name?

As long as you can send in your most recent US passport issued as an adult and it is undamaged and has not been expired for more than five years, then Form DS-82 is acceptable to change your maiden name.

Can you use your maiden name professionally?

Use your maiden name in your professional life and married name for legal purposes. If changing your name seems difficult, consider continuing to use your maiden name professionally. Women in the media, medical, law, and tech fields often keep their original surname if they are widely recognized in their industry.

Is it mandatory to change address in Indian passport after marriage?

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If you have changed your residential address or are relocating, you are required to update this information in your passport. To change your address on your passport, you need to apply for a re-issue of your passport. Through this process, you will receive a new passport with a new number and your updated address.

How do you use a professional name?

Your Professional Name for English-Language Use

  1. Select your professional name carefully.
  2. Always use the same version of your name.
  3. Indicate your SURNAME.
  4. Put your name on all components of your work.
  5. Obtain a user-friendly email address.
  6. Indicate your gender identity.
  7. Help others pronounce your name correctly.

Is it necessary to change surname in passport after marriage?

In many cases, women change their surname after marriage and want to update the same on their passport. In case a lady retains her maiden name after marriage, nothing changes in the passport application process and no need to update an existing passport.

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Can the husband take the wife’s surname?

You can keep your maiden name, hyphenate or come up with a new name that combines both of your last names. But what about your husband taking your last name instead? A man taking his wife’s name is often seen as uncommon. Though they’re divorced, they both continue to use the combined name they created.