Popular lifehacks

Can I use my old Social Security card after divorce?

Can I use my old Social Security card after divorce?

You must present original documents or copies certified by the agency that issued them. We cannot accept photocopies or notarized copies. One of the following documents: Marriage document; • Divorce decree; • Certificate of naturalization showing a new name; or • Court order for a name change.

What is the child Online Privacy Protection Act?

Congress enacted the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) in 1998. The primary goal of COPPA is to place parents in control over what information is collected from their young children online. The Rule was designed to protect children under age 13, while accounting for the dynamic nature of the Internet.

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Can a parent collect child’s Social Security?

Widows, widowers, and their dependent children may be eligible for Social Security survivors benefits. If you are a parent and take care of your child who receives Social Security benefits and is under age 18, you can get benefits until your child reaches age 16.

Can I change my last name to whatever I want after divorce?

If your divorce is final, you can request that the court amend your divorce decree to include a provision for your legal name change. Some courts won’t allow this, in which case, you’ll need to start the legal name change process by filing a petition for a name change.

Is there a time limit to change your name after divorce?

Although there is no limit to the number of times that you can change your name – so long as each change is genuine and not for fraudulent purposes – you don’t want to go through the process and notifying everyone that you have changed your name, to then change your mind and have to go through it all again.

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What is the age of consent online?

18 years old
The age of consent in California is 18 years old.

At what age can a child consent to their data being processed?

Under GDPR Article 8, the age of consent, i.e. when a child is required or able to give their consent for the processing of their own data, is 16. However, member states can allocate their own age of consent, with a cap at 13 years of age.

What age can a child consent to their data being processed?

Where the child is below the age of 16 years, such processing shall be lawful only if and to the extent that consent is given or authorised by the holder of parental responsibility over the child. Member states may provide by law for a lower age for these purposes provided that such lower age is not below 13 years.

What happens to my Social Security benefits when my child turns 18?

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Answer: When your daughter turns 18, she will stop receiving money from Social Security. Your benefit will not go up, but your wife, son and stepdaughter’s benefits could go up, because at that point there would be $888 to split between three people.