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Can I work for two different banks at the same time?

Can I work for two different banks at the same time?

The two positions are totally unrelated to one another. You absolutely cannot work at 2 banks at the same time.

Is it illegal to work at two places at once?

Is it illegal to work two jobs at once? No, it’s not illegal to work two jobs. But it could violate your employment contract and/or company policy, particularly if it presents a conflict of interest. So, be very careful about who you choose to work for at your second job to avoid any perceived conflicts of interest.

Do you have to tell employer about second job?

While employees do not have a legal obligation to disclose any other employment to their employers, many employers will restrict you from working elsewhere via a clause in your contract of employment.

Can I work for a competitor?

Is it enforceable? Under California Business and Professions Code Section 16600, unless you were an owner of the business, any “non-compete clause” which forbids an employees who is fired or resigns from working for a competitor or starting a competing business is illegal and unenforceable.

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What is a dual employee?

Dual employment occurs when a staff employee who holds a full-time (100\%) staff position in one department takes on an additional staff appointment in another department.

Can a company legally stop you from working for a competitor?

Under California Business and Professions Code Section 16600, unless you were an owner of the business, any “non-compete clause” which forbids an employees who is fired or resigns from working for a competitor or starting a competing business is illegal and unenforceable.

Can my employer restrict who I work for?

A restriction in the contract of employment preventing you from working for a competitor after leaving your current employment is called a ‘restrictive covenant’ or ‘restraint of trade’ clause. The wider the scope of such a clause, the less likely it is to be enforced.