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Can I write on my envelope?

Can I write on my envelope?

Yes you can Write information, advertisements, art. Just ensure the receivers address is at the front of the envelope. The return address is at the top left corner At the front of the envelope. Or other countries the return address is at the back – top middle of the back of the envelope.

What stamp goes on an envelope?

Write the return address in the top left corner. Then, write the recipient’s address slightly centered on the bottom half of the envelope. To finish, place the stamp in the top right corner.

What to write on the front of an envelope to mail?

The address, return address and postage should all be on the same side of the package. (If it’s improperly addressed, it might get returned to you). Print or type your address in the upper-left corner on the front of the envelope. Print or type clearly the delivery address parallel to the longest side of the envelope.

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Is it okay to draw on an envelope?

You can decorate an envelope and still post it, but there are a few rules to follow. The receiver’s information must be clearly legible and in a dark, contrasting colour. The post office marks each envelope so it can be scanned later. No decorations can interfere with this scanning process.

Where do I put attention on an envelope?

The Attention Line is placed above the Recipient Line, that is, above the name of the firm to which the mailpiece is directed.

Can a stamp go anywhere on an envelope?

Yes you can actually put the stamp anywhere on the front of the letter and it will still work. The top right corner is the traditional place to put it and is easier for the postmaster / or machine / to do it in the same place on each one and just help speed up the process.

Can Return address Go on back of envelope?

Yes it is. The USPS (in the U.S.) prefers it to be on the upper left corner of the face of the envelope, but they allow it on the rear envelope flap. The only requirement is that the recipient’s name and address are on the front center of the envelope.

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Do I need to write non machinable on envelope?

Yes, you can use the “non-machinable surcharge stamp” at face value for any postal rate (including regular mail). Most USPS postage stamps under 10¢ are not “tagged,” the sorting machine cannot read them. They are not “machinable.” They must be hand processed. They are valid on all USPS mail.