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Can I write UPSC exam in Tamil?

Can I write UPSC exam in Tamil?

Hi, It is possible that you can give UPSC mains exam in Tamil language. UPSC exams can be written in any language mentioned in constitution of India. Though Hindi and English need to be qualified.

Can I give IAS interview in Tamil?

Only when you are given central deputation would you use English. You may have written the UPSC exam in English, but if you feel you are better off speaking Hindi or Tamil or any other regional language that is your native language, you can opt for it.

Can I write UPSC exam in Telugu?

Upsc allows us to write in all scheduled languages. Telugu is one among them.

Can we give IAS interview in Telugu?

Unless candidates have a command over the language, the choice of Telugu-medium is not advisable. There is an option to take the interview in the language of one’s choice. However, it is not advisable as the translator’s role becomes important.

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What is the language of IAS exam?

Civil Services Examination

Acronym UPSC CSE UPSC CSPE (Preliminary) UPSC CSME (Mains)
Countries / regions India
Languages Question paper is only given in Hindi or English. Answers can be given in any one of the scheduled languages of India

How can I go to IAS exam?

Candidates who wish to sit for UPSC Civil Services Exam must hold a graduation degree from any University which has been incorporated by the Act of Parliament or which is to be declared as a Deemed University by the University Grants Commission or he/she must possess an equivalent qualification for IAS (UPSC CSE) Exam.

What are the qualifying papers in UPSC mains?

IAS Mains Syllabus

Paper Subject Marks
Paper-B (Qualifying Paper) English 300
Paper-I Essay 250
Paper-II General Studies-I (Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society) 250
Paper-III General Studies -II (Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations) 250
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Is Telugu good optional for UPSC?

Telugu Literature is a prominent and favourite optional for UPSC aspirants who have good knowledge in this dialect. To choose this optional subject, one must not be a literature graduate. However, the aspirant should have a good command over the language.