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Can npm install multiple versions of same package?

Can npm install multiple versions of same package?

Due to https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/2943, npm will never support the ability to alias packages and install multiple versions of the same package.

How install multiple dependencies npm?

To install multiple packages, we need to use the npm install followed by the multiple package names separated by the spaces package1 package2 . This above command installs three packages, which are express, cors and body-parser. You can also checkout how to install the specific version of an npm package.

Can we install two node versions?

You have the latest and greatest version of Node. js installed, and the project you’re about to work on requires an older version. In those situations, the Node Version Manager (nvm) is a great tool to use, allowing you to install multiple versions of Node. js and switch between them as you see fit.

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How do I use a different version of npm?

You can also downgrade npm or select a specific npm version. You can downgrade the npm version by specifying a version in the related commands. If you want to downgrade npm to a specific version, you can use the following command: npm install -g npm@[version.

How do I install two versions of npm?

When we install a package using the npm install package-name command, it will download the current stable version of the package inside node_modules folder and add it to package. json file. To install multiple versions of the same package, we need to use the package alias syntax which is supported from the npm v6.

How do I install multiple node versions?


  1. Get a List of all available NodeJs versions.
  2. Install latest NodeJs version.
  3. Install latest LTS Release.
  4. UnInstall the multiple NodeJs version.
  5. Get a List of installed NodeJs version.
  6. Switching Between installed NodeJs Versions.
  7. Run to specific NodeJs version, without switching.
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How do I install multiple dependencies?

You can install and directly add the newest package version as a dependency to your project by passing the –save flag to the install command. Combine the install process of multiple packages and add them as dependencies to your project by passing multiple packages to the npm install command including the –save flag.

How install npm with all dependencies?

Install the dependencies to the local node_modules folder. In global mode (ie, with -g or –global appended to the command), it installs the current package context (ie, the current working directory) as a global package. By default, npm install will install all modules listed as dependencies in package.

How do I install different versions of Node JS?

Step 2: For installing the previous version of Node use the following command:

  1. In windows: npm install -g node@version. Example: npm install -g [email protected].
  2. In linux: sudo apt-get install nodejs=version-1chl1~precise1. Example: sudo apt-get install nodejs=10.9.0-1chl1~precise1.
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How do I use different Node versions in NVM?

  1. Switch to specific Node.js version nvm use 8.10.0.
  2. Switch to the latest Node.js version: nvm use node.
  3. Switch to the latest LTS version: nvm use –lts.
  4. you can check which versions you have installed by running: nvm ls.
  5. Specify a Node Version on a Per-project Basis.

How do I install a specific version of a node using NVM?

Use nvm to install the latest LTS release of Node. js

  1. List available versions. To see the entire list of Node.js versions available to install, enter the following: nvm ls-remote.
  2. Install a specific version. Install a specific version: nvm install 8.16.2.
  3. List installed versions.
  4. Switch to another version.