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Can old cars use 5w30?

Can old cars use 5w30?

5w30 oil is particularly suitable for cars driving in cold climates. Unlike oils with a higher high temperature rating, such as 10 or 15, 5w30 oil can flow freely enough when the engine is started at low temperatures to coat and protect the engine’s internal components.

Is 5w30 oil good for high mileage cars?

Amazon Basics Full Synthetic is the best 5w30 oil for high mileage vehicles. This oil should only be used on vehicles exceeding 75,000 miles. This motor oil is formulated for longer drain intervals. It helps in preventing a build-up on drain intervals and preventing rust and corrosion.

Is it better to run thicker oil in older engines?

A: Yes. This is a practical method to improve oil pressure in an older, high-mileage engine. The slightly thicker oil film from the heavier base weight oil — 10W — can help protect worn engine bearings as well.

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Is 5w30 good for hot weather?

5w30 is also a great choice if you live in warm climates that reach up to 35 degrees Celsius or 95 degrees Fahrenheit. In general, 5w30 is a great multigrade oil designed to meet the demands of almost any temperature in both warm and cold climates.

Can you reuse old engine oil?

Recycling and reusing used motor oil is preferable to disposal and can provide great environmental benefits. Recycled used motor oil can be re-refined into new oil, processed into fuel oils, and used as raw materials for the petroleum industry.

Is it OK to use fully synthetic oil in older cars?

Yes, you can use synthetic oil in your classic car. Synthetic oils are composed of chemically engineered molecules designed to provide higher performance and better protection for your engine than conventional oils, which are derived from crude oil without significant intervention from chemical engineers.

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Do older cars need synthetic oil?

The short answer is, yes, you can use synthetic oil in older cars. Synthetic options exist even for classic cars, Fenske said, adding that Porsche has been factory-filling its cars with synthetic oil since 1996. As always, though, it’s best to check manufacturer recommendations, he noted.