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Can public key be exposed?

Can public key be exposed?

It’s a well-known fact that public keys meant to be public and can be widely shared. Unlike public keys, private keys must be not shared and kept in secret by their owners. If you are using SSH keys to authorize on GitHub repositories, it automatically exposes them to everyone.

Is public key a secret?

In public key cryptography, two keys are used, one key is used for encryption and while the other is used for decryption. 3. In private key cryptography, the key is kept as a secret. In public key cryptography, one of the two keys is kept as a secret.

Can public key cryptography keep a message secret?

In Review: Using Public Key Cryptography They can send you secret messages that only you can decode using your matching private key and, You can sign your messages with your private key so that the recipients know the messages could only have come from you.

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Which of the following is true about public key encryption *?

Anyone can encrypt with the public key, only one person can decrypt with the private key C. Anyone can encrypt with the private key, only one person can decrypt with the public key D.

Is public key sensitive?

No, unless you use a unique one per service. It lets attackers identify you. If you use the same public key for service A and service B, and your public key gets leaked for both of them, this will cross-link your two accounts together.

Which of the following public key distribution systems is most secure?

Public certificates
Which of the following public key distribution systems is most secure? Explanation: Public certificates are the most secure key distribution/management systems right now.

Which of the following goals Cannot be achieved with the help of symmetric cryptography?

Symmetric key cryptography does not implement Nonrepudiation. Any communicating party can encrypt and decrypt messages with the shared secret key, there is no way to prove where a given message originated or was it received.

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How use public and private keys?

In public key cryptography, every public key matches to only one private key. Together, they are used to encrypt and decrypt messages. If you encode a message using a person’s public key, they can only decode it using their matching private key.
