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Can Sonic to super without Chaos Emeralds?

Can Sonic to super without Chaos Emeralds?

Sonic R. Super Sonic, from Sonic R. In Sonic R, Super Sonic appears as a secret unlockable character separate from Sonic. To unlock Super Sonic, the player must collect the seven Chaos Emeralds which are hidden on the first four race tracks.

Can Metal Sonic go super?

Using the data from Team Sonic, Team Rose, Team Dark, Team Chaotix and Chaos, and as well as parts of Eggman’s other machines, Neo Metal Sonic can transform himself into a super powerful version of himself called Metal Madness.

Why is Super Sonic yellow?

Super Sonic is a special form that Sonic takes on after collecting the seven Chaos Emeralds. His super form grants him increased speed, the power of flight and turns his blue quills upward and golden yellow.

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Can you turn into Super Sonic in Sonic 1?

How to turn into Super Sonic in Sonice the Hedgehog for IOS and Android: In No Save Mode,when SEGA appears,press each letter once,then a Ring sound effect will play,then press the screen with 2 fingers,then swipe up,now in the Zone Select Screen change the Chaos Emeralds to 7 then on Sound Test Play sounds 4,1,2,6 and …

What is metallix Sonic?

A Metallix is a robotic version of Sonic the Hedgehog – the original model carried the title of the Metal Sonic. The first was only one part of an elite Brotherhood of Metallix.

How do I turn into Super Sonic?

In order to transform into Super Sonic, the player will need to collect 50 coins on the stage. Once the player has collected 50 coins, Sonic will use the power of the Chaos Emeralds to transform into Super Sonic, gaining infinite boost and invincibility.

How do you get Hyper Sonic in Sonic 2?

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Run forward in Oil Ocean, Act 2 until reaching the green jet springs. Jump on the very last spring and hold Right. Sonic will hit a group of spikes before becoming stuck in the side of the wall. Jump out to transform into Hyper Sonic.

How do I become Super Sonic?

Once you have all seven, you can then turn into Super Sonic in-game. In order to turn into him, you need to collect at least 50 rings. After that, just jump and hit the jump button again while in the air to morph into him. You’ll now be completely invincible, aside from falling into bottomless pits and being crushed.