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Can stock prices go up forever?

Can stock prices go up forever?

Why will the stock market indices go up forever? Experts say that, over the long run, you can expect stocks to rise based on their profit growth, which traditionally is every company’s primary mission and which investors expect management to stay focused on.

Do stock prices always rise when there is good news why?

Stock prices tick up and down constantly due to fluctuations in supply and demand. If more people want to buy a stock, its market price will increase. If more people are trying to sell a stock, its price will fall. The relationship between supply and demand is highly sensitive to the news of the moment.

What happens when you short sell a stock?

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If successful, short sellers can pocket the difference between selling and buying prices, but the trades can go horribly wrong if the price of a stock rises a lot. That happened to some investors who had bet against the shares of GameStop, the video game retailer.

Why are stocks not going up anymore?

They simply couldn’t stand to bear the risk anymore. There are no guarantees that stocks will be up big over the long run for the simple fact that everyone has a different definition of what the long run means to them.

Why do we need the stock market at all?

In a lot of ways, it’s kind of insane that something like the stock market even exists in this capacity, allowing anyone with a brokerage account the chance to buy an ownership stake in the global economy. The other piece is the fact that stocks are the low man on the totem pole when it comes to the capital structure.

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Why are so many investors shunning stocks?

Bonds have outperformed stocks over multi-decade periods in the past. Each of these events likely led millions of investors around the globe to shun stocks altogether. They simply couldn’t stand to bear the risk anymore.