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Can Videl go super?

Can Videl go super?

Videl didn’t go Super Saiyan. In order to become a Super Saiyan, you kind of need to be part of the Saiyan race. In the movie Battle of the Gods, Videl joined the circle to pass energy to Goku to turn him into a Super Saiyan God since 5 Saiyans needed to pass their energy to a single Saiyan recipient.

Who is Videl pregnant with in Dragon Ball super?

Dragon Ball Super (manga) Videl reveals herself to be pregnant with Gohan’s child.

Can Pan super turn Super Saiyan?

So, there you have it. Dragon Ball GT didn’t keep Pan from going Super Saiyan due to her lack of Saiyan blood. It all came down to the character being someone whom Goku needed to save, and the Super Saiyan power-up would have made that need unnecessary.

How did Videl get her powers?

Videl is a human female born to two normal, human parents. Her mother had no martial arts experience, but her father was a well-known martial artist. She quickly overcame him in strength and thanks to Gohan; she learned to control her energy.

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What happened to Videl in Dragon Ball?

Some time after the events of the Buu Saga, Gohan and Videl settled down in the time of peace, and married. They even got married in the non-canon Dragon Ball GT. Throughout the series, many characters would poke fun at Gohan and Videl’s relationship by remarking when they would get married, much to their dismay.

How old was Videl when Pan was born?

Videl is one year older than Gohan in the manga, meaning that she was at least 18 years old in her debut and 28 at the end of the original story, but is the same age as him in the anime. Videl is born in Age 756 (according to the manga) and Age 757 (according to Super Perfect Guide for the anime).

Why didn’t Goku use Super Saiyan blue in GT?

First off because Dragonball GT was created before Super or the 2 movies which the first 2 seasons are based from was even created. as such Super Saiyan God and the levels after that shown in Super weren’t even conceived when Dragonball GT was written.