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Can we carry duty free liquor in train?

Can we carry duty free liquor in train?

you can carry upto 2 litres of alcohol along with you while travelling in train. you should have the proof of purchase handy with you. you should display the liquor or offer liquor for sale or consume liquor while travelling in train. No issues if you abide by the rules.

Is it allowed to carry alcohol in Indian Railways?

✅ Can I carry alcohol in train in India? Alcohol is an inflammable substance and not permitted in trains.

How many bottles of Whisky can I carry with me on an Indian Railways train?

Possession of one or more bottle of liquors (below 1.5 ltr) is permissible but consumption is prohibited in train. Why you transporting it openly.

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How many litres of liquor can I bring to India?

2 liters
A maximum 2 liters of liquor is allowed and that too should be carried in a transparent plastic bag (re-sealable type). A receipt of purchase should accompany the bag. Liquor purchased outside of an Airport liquor shop is not allowed as carry-in baggage and needs to be checked-in.

How much liquor can I carry?

It was stated in the G.O. that a person could have in possession the following maximum quantities of intoxicants at a time without any permit or license with effect from September 25, 2019: IMFL and foreign liquor: three bottles of any size, denatured / methylated spirit: three bulk litres, beer: six bottles of 650 ml …

Can we carry liquor in train from Goa?

Goa Excise issues permits to carry liquor (up to 2 litres) to Daman, Diu, Punjab, Rajasthan, Odisha, Jammu & Kashmir, Manipur, Madhya Pradesh, Assam and Himachal. You can get a permit which cost around Rs. 20 from the shopkeeper and carries the bottles to these places.

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Can I drink alcohol on a train?

You are allowed to consume alcohol on our trains; however, we do not tolerate any anti-social behaviour. Under the railway byelaws, if you are deemed to be intoxicated we may ask you to leave the train or station.