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Can we convert MySQL to MongoDB?

Can we convert MySQL to MongoDB?

MongoDB does not support joins. In every database I’ve seen, this means that your data structure in MongoDB is different from the structure in MySQL. Because of this, there is no “universal tool” for porting SQL to MongoDB. Your data will need to be transformed before it reaches MongoDB.

Why is MongoDB fit for mean stack instead of SQL database?

3 Answers. It think the primary reason is that MongoDB uses the same language Javascript (ECMA Script) for methods and functions API, rather than a separate language (like SQL). Thus MongoDB is a good no SQL database option, and it works much more efficiently as a database for the rest of the stack.

Is MongoDB compatible with MySQL?

In MongoDB, you don’t need to define the schema while in MySQL you need to define your tables and columns. MongoDB doesn’t support JOIN but MySQL supports JOIN operations. MongoDB uses JavaScript as query language while MySQL uses the Structured Query Language (SQL).

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How do I migrate data from SQL to MongoDB?

Open SQL to MongoDB Migration

  1. Click on the SQL Migration button in the toolbar, or right-click into a server, database or collection in the Connection Tree and select the SQL Migration option.
  2. Then select SQL → MongoDB Migration. This will open a new tab where you can configure and execute the import.

Why we use MongoDB instead of MySQL?

MongoDB is faster than MySQL due to its ability to handle large amounts of unstructured data when it comes to speed. It uses slave replication, master replication to process vast amounts of unstructured data and offers the freedom to use multiple data types that are better than the rigidity of MySQL.

Which is better MongoDB or SQLite?

Mongo is the most widely known of all NoSQL databases, and an integral part of the JS-heavy MEAN stack….

MongoDB SQLite
Open Source? Yes Yes
Speed Pretty fast Very fast
Ideal use case High data volume, low data complexity, requires horizontal scaling Low data volume, low complexity, efficiency and reliability above all
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Is MySQL faster than MongoDB?