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Can we keep pooja room in Northeast?

Can we keep pooja room in Northeast?

Location of the Prayer Area The North-east, East or the North directions are preferred for constructing a pooja room. These directions are considered the most auspicious. Avoid placing the pooja rooms beneath the staircases and next to the toilets to ensure zero negative energies.

Can we have pooja room next to toilet?

Things to avoid in puja room It should not be placed on the ground floor or on the first floor or in the basement. Placement of puja room above, below or next to toilet or kitchen is not permissible as per Vastu.

Can we have toilet in Northeast?

Northeast is the most important direction in any house. This corner is suitable for worship or meditation. In this direction of the house, the toilet is like a toxin, that is, the construction of a toilet in this direction is completely forbidden.

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Can pooja room and bathroom share a common wall?

Doors of Puja Room should be North or East facing. The walls of Puja Room should never be in common with the walls of Toilet or Kitchen. Door of Puja Room should never face the door of Kitchen or Toilet. Red bulb should never be used in Puja Room.

Can we keep pooja room facing east?

Location in the house According to puja room Vastu, the northeast is the most auspicious location for the prayer area in a house as it is considered the divine direction. The pooja room in east facing houses should be ideally located in the north or east corner so that one faces these directions while praying.

Can we keep God facing north?

According to Vastu Shastra, it is considered appropriate to place the idol and picture of any goddess and deity on the wall on the east or north side of the house of worship. Never face the idol or picture of God towards the north, otherwise, the worshiper will face towards the south.

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Can we place God facing east?

According to Vastu experts, god should be placed in either east or north-east direction in the house. The idols or deities must be kept at a certain height from the ground. The setting should be such that the face of God must be towards west and the face of worshipper should be towards east.

What if toilet is in east?

The construction of toilets in the east can disturb your life. Troubles may get clouded over you. Your older child’s growth may be hindered. As per Vastu Shastra tips, the direction which is considered the most moral one for toilets is none other than the South one.

Can pooja room be opposite to bathroom?

Don’t position the pooja room under a staircase or against the wall of a bathroom — it is considered inauspicious. Align the pooja room along the north-east, east or north if you live in a north or east facing flat.