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Can you be friends with your ex in a new relationship?

Can you be friends with your ex in a new relationship?

“Being platonic friends with an ex (after a bit of cooling off time) is completely fine, as long as you respect boundaries, don’t force your partner to hang out with your ex and let everyone know there’s no chance of reconciliation,” says online dating expert Julie Spira.

Is it OK for a man to be friends with his ex?

But it’s important to keep in mind that many people stay in touch after a breakup in a respectable — and perfectly platonic — way. “There’s nothing wrong with remaining friends with an ex under certain circumstances,” Jonathan Bennett, a certified counselor and dating expert, tells Bustle.

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Can You Love Your Ex without being in love with them?

If your last relationship ended amicably or you and your ex are still friends, Dr. Brown says it’s totally possible to have love for your ex without feeling in love with them. “You don’t have to be in love with your ex to still love them for who they were and what they meant to you,” Dr. Brown says.

Is it normal for exes to be friends with another person?

The thought of your ex dating someone else sends you into a tailspin. It’s normal for friends to talk to each other about what’s going on in their lives, and that includes their love lives. If thinking about your ex with another person makes your stomach churn, that’s an issue that could get in the way of a true friendship.

How do you deal with an ex who is dating someone else?

You just need to be able to treat your ex the way you would treat your friends, and work on deepening the complicity between you. You’ll see something very interesting begin to happen because this is when you become an actual threat to his or her new relationship.

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Is it common for my girlfriend to be worried about my boyfriends ex?

It’s really common and doesn’t have to make her worry that her boyfriend is still in love with his ex. Dealing with your boyfriend’s ex can be one of the most stressful things in a relationship, and things become even more complicated if he and his ex have remained friends.