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Can you brush teeth when fasting for surgery?

Can you brush teeth when fasting for surgery?

Fasting for adults You must fast from all food, fluids, lollies and gum for a minimum of 6 hours prior to the start of your operating list. If you like, you can brush your teeth or wash your mouth out with water or mouthwash, but make sure you don’t swallow anything.

Can I brush my teeth before IV sedation?

Brush your teeth as usual, but be sure not to swallow any water or toothpaste. Do not wear any make up or nail polish. If you regularly wear contact lenses, please remove them prior to surgery. Jewelry and dentures will also need to be removed before surgery.

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How long do you need to fast before going under anesthesia?

Fasting is usually necessary starting about six hours before your surgery. You may be able to drink clear fluids until a few hours prior. Your doctor may tell you to take some of your regular medications with a small sip of water during your fasting time. Discuss your medications with your doctor.

How many hours before dental surgery should you not eat?

Fast. If you’re going to have anesthesia, your dentist will recommend that you do not eat or drink anything for at least eight hours prior to your surgery.

Can I brush my teeth after surgery?

It is good to brush your teeth following surgery. Just don’t brush the surgical sites for the first week. You will use your syringe instead to irrigate the surgical sites to keep that area of the mouth clean.

Can you brush your teeth before getting your wisdom teeth out?

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Please brush your teeth prior to your appointment. This will help reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth and lower your chance of an infection. You must bring a responsible adult who can drive you home.

Can I brush my teeth before wisdom tooth extraction?

Please brush your teeth prior to your appointment. This will help reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth and lower your chance of an infection. You must bring a responsible adult who can drive you home. You will be groggy for several hours after your surgery and unable to drive.

Can I brush my teeth the day of wisdom tooth extraction?

Brush your teeth. You can disrupt your stitches if you brush your teeth, use mouthwash or rinse your mouth the first day. After 24 hours, you can gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water and brush your teeth, but take special care to avoid the stitched area.

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Can you brush your teeth before wisdom teeth surgery?

Oral hygiene must be excellent prior to surgery. Therefore, during the 2 to 3 days prior to surgery, brush your teeth with toothpaste and use mouthwash several times a day. On the day of surgery, before reporting to the office, brush and rinse with mouthwash. Do not drink any water.