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Can you choose your weapon in the Army?

Can you choose your weapon in the Army?

Soldiers operate weapon systems. They are not allowed to pick and customise the weapon systems that make them feel good about being soldiers. They carry the weapon system that their unit wants to have in place and ready to be operated. The soldier is there to serve their weapon, not vice versa.

Does everyone in the military see combat?

Contrary to what you see in the movies, the chances of seeing combat in the army are low. You will not necessarily be seeing combat even if you are an infantry soldier. 40\% of service members do NOT see combat, and of the remaining 60\%, only 10\% to 20\% are deployed into the combat premise.

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Are all Army soldiers infantry?

In the modern US Army, about 15\% of soldiers are officially Infantry. The basic training for all new US Army soldiers includes basic use of infantry used weapons and basic tactics, even for tank crews, artillery crews, and base and logistical personnel.

Can an infantryman serve in any role in the military?

This initiative results in limited benefit. In theory, any infantryman is capable of serving in any infantry role (except the mortarman) because they are all 11A (infantry officer) and 11B roles. However, the jobs of an infantry officer or noncommissioned officer vary immensely across the various types of infantry formations.

Where can I find infantry and weapons company Guide to training?

Infantry and Weapons Company Guide to Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, and Simulations JULY 2009 This publication is available at Army Knowledge Online (www.us.army.mil) and General Dennis J. Reimer Training and Doctrine Digital Library at (www.train.army.mil).

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Why are there different types of infantry in the US Army?

Each type of infantry plays a valuable role in the Army’s overall warfighting capability. Different formations have strengths and weaknesses that make each type ideal for a given type of combat, whether that be rapid deployability, defending against a near-peer armor threat, mountain or jungle fighting, etc.

How should infantry battalions be trained?

An infantry battalions should train almost exclusively as a combined-arms team, incorporating anti-armor and dismounted infantry—similar to how their armored counterparts combine infantry and tanks to rapidly seize key terrain, destroy enemy forces, and exploit the initiative.