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Can you connect negative to negative when jumping a car?

Can you connect negative to negative when jumping a car?

Caution: Don’t attach the negative cable to the negative terminal of the weak battery when jumping a car battery! This common mistake could ignite hydrogen gas directly over the battery.

Where do you connect negative jump lead?

Connect the black jump lead Take the black jump lead and attach it to the negative (-) terminal on the working battery. Then attach the other end to an earthing point (unpainted metal on the engine block or chassis) well away from the flat battery and fuel system.

Can you connect black to black jump start?

For a properly-installed battery, the two options are electrically the same (that is, the black cable on the battery is ground) and both will work fine for the jump-start.

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What happens if I connect jumper cables wrong?

The primary threat a car battery poses is the risk of explosion. Sparks created by hooking up the cables wrong or touching the cable ends together can ignite the hydrogen gas from the battery, causing it to explode.

How long do you leave jumper cables connected?

Wait two minutes as you turn on the engine. Wait an additional two minutes after turning on the dead one. You can let the car run for two more minutes if you remove the cable in the reverse order you put it on.

When jump starting a car which cable goes first?

First the clamp of the red cable is connected to the positive terminal of the assisting vehicle. The other end of the red cable is connected to the positive terminal of the broken down vehicle. Then the black clamp is connected to the negative terminal of the assisting battery.

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How do you properly connect jumper cables?

i) Connect one clamp of the positive (red) cable to the dead battery’s positive terminal. ii) Connect the other red clamp to the positive post of the working battery. iii) Attach one clamp of the negative (black) cable to the negative post of the working battery.

What happens if you connect the negative jumper cable to the dead battery?

When jumpstarting a vehicle, the final connection should be to a good ground on the vehicle with the dead battery. Connecting the jumper cable to the negative terminal of the dead battery can create sparks and potentially cause an explosion.

Is black cable negative?

The red one is positive (+), the black one is negative (-). Never connect the red cable to the negative battery terminal or a vehicle with a dead battery.

Where do you connect the black wire on a battery?

The positive (red) cable should be attached to the positive terminals on each battery. The negative (black) cable should have one end attached to the negative terminal of the dead battery, and one end grounded.