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Can you donate blood if you carry sickle cell trait?

Can you donate blood if you carry sickle cell trait?

Yes. If you have sickle cell trait, you are still are able to donate blood. There is no evidence to suggest that donating blood causes any additional risk of harm or injury to people with sickle cell trait.

Can you have a sickle cell crisis if you have the trait?

Unlike sickle cell disease, sickle cell trait patients do not have crises. They are for the most part asymptomatic. Their presentation is similar to patients with normal hemoglobin. They could have a family history positive for HbSS.

Does sickle cell trait go away?

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The sickled red blood cells can become stuck in small blood vessels, block the blood supply and cause pain and damage in that part of the body. They also cause a low blood count that makes the person tired and short of breath. This is called anemia and it does not go away.

What blood type can donate to sickle cell patients?

Why is the Ro Blood Type So Important? The Ro blood type is extremely rare but is invaluable for patients with sickle cell disease. Of the entire U.S. population, only 5\% donate blood—that’s less than the entire population of New York City.

Is sickle cell trait and Covid 19?

Sickle cell disease (SCD) and sickle cell trait (SCT) are genetic conditions that occur predominantly among Black individuals. It is unknown if individuals with SCD/SCT are at higher risk of severe COVID-19 illness compared with Black individuals who do not have SCD/SCT.

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What problems can sickle cell trait cause?

The sickle cells die early, which causes a constant shortage of red blood cells. Also, when they travel through small blood vessels, they get stuck and clog the blood flow. This can cause pain and other serious problems such infection, acute chest syndrome and stroke.

Can a person with sickle cell trait have a baby?

Can Women With Sickle Cell Disease Have A Healthy Pregnancy? Yes, with early prenatal care and careful monitoring throughout the pregnancy, a woman with SCD can have a healthy pregnancy. However, women with SCD are more likely to have problems during pregnancy that can affect their health and that of their unborn baby.

What is the difference between sickle cell disease and sickle cell trait?

What is the difference between sickle cell trait and sickle cell disease? People with sickle cell trait carry only one copy of the altered hemoglobin gene and rarely have any clinical symptoms related to the disease. In contrast, people with sickle cell disease carry two copies of the altered hemoglobin gene.

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What is the difference between the sickle cell trait and disease?