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Can you game and stream with 16GB RAM?

Can you game and stream with 16GB RAM?

16GB is the most recommended amount today, especially when it comes to AAA titles which are far more demanding than older games. Although 8GB of RAM will work, 16GB is the sweet spot for streaming and will allow you to stream quality gameplay.

How much RAM do you need to record with OBS?

OBS has the following system requirements: Compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux. AMD FX series or Intel i5 2000-series processor (dual or 4-core preferable) or higher DirectX 10 capable graphics card. At least 4 GB of RAM (recommended, but not necessary)

How much RAM do I need for recording gameplay?

Honorable. For recording purposes 16GB is best. As you’re going to record, you’re probably going to upload to some sort of Social Media, like Youtube. For that, you’ll do a bit of editing, hence 16GB will make your work easier and also faster.

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Is 16GB ddr4 RAM good for gaming?

How much RAM do you need for gaming? 16GB of RAM is the best place to start for a gaming PC. Although 8GB was enough for many years, new AAA PC games like Cyberpunk 2077 have an 8GB of RAM requirement, though up to 16GB is recommended. Few games, even the latest ones, will actually take advantage of a full 16GB of RAM.

How much RAM does OBS use while streaming?

OBS Studio System Requirements AMD FX series or Intel i5 2000-series processor (dual or 4-core preferable) or higher. DirectX 10 capable graphics card. At least 4 GB of RAM (recommended, but not necessary)

Is 16GB RAM good for OBS?

So, with the game you are streaming, OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) streaming software, maybe discord, and a few internet tabs running, you will have very little leeway in terms of available RAM capacity left with only 8GB of RAM in your PC. Therefore, we highly recommend that you go with 16GB of RAM if possible.

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Is 16g ddr4 enough?

16GB of RAM is considered the ‘sweet spot. ‘ It allows for solid game playing, high-intensity work with computer programs, and gives you a fair amount of memory. If you want to be a serious gamer, 16Gb might be your ideal setup.