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Can you get a shock from a toaster?

Can you get a shock from a toaster?

While a toaster may seem like the most harmless of kitchen appliances, it does come with certain risks. Improper handling of small kitchen appliances, such as toasters, can be dangerous and may lead to electrical shocks or even fire.

Can you get shocked by sticking a knife in a toaster?

Never stick a knife in the toaster when it’s plugged in, or you’re risking a serious electrical shock. If you have children in the home, teach them to NEVER put anything down the toaster like a knife or spoon. Clean out the crumb tray frequently. This will help you prevent an electrical fire.

Can you get electrocuted from an unplugged toaster?

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Now, often I’ve heard people talking about putting metal tools inside a toaster. The metal piece can act as a conductor to electrocute you within a minute. In case, your toaster has a circuit breaker or is grounded it might pose more danger and can cause serious injury.

What to do if you get an electric shock from a toaster?

Call 911 or have someone else call 911. If safe to do so, turn off the source of electricity. If it is not safe, use a non-conducting object made of wood, cardboard, or plastic to move the source away.

Why should you never use anything with a cord or plug around water?

Water is an excellent conductor. Electricity would travel through the water and through you to the ground. This is why it’s so important to keep all electrical appliances away from water, and to make sure your hands are dry and you are not standing in water when you touch anything electrical.

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Can you stick a fork in the toaster if its unplugged?

Sticking a fork in an unplugged toaster will not cause electrocution, but it could cause a potential hazard in the future. The knife or fork could damage components in the toaster, which could cause fires in the future when you use this appliance.

How common are toaster fires?

Between 2007-2011, toasters and toaster ovens accounted for nearly 3,000 fires and over $27 million in property damage. Often, toasters and toaster ovens are located beneath cabinets. When they ignite, they’re easily able to spread flames throughout the kitchen.