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Can you go under anesthesia with sleep apnea?

Can you go under anesthesia with sleep apnea?

General anesthesia always requires an increased vigilance in any patient with sleep apnea. The induction of sleep apnea patients with anesthesia can require a rapid intubation to maintain the upper airway during the initiation of any surgery.

Does having sleep apnea affect surgery?

Sleep apnea can lead to health issues such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and impotence, and can cause complications during surgery.

Is it safe to have a colonoscopy with sleep apnea?

Most patients who undergo colonoscopy receive sedation with medications such as midazolam, fentanyl, or propofol. They continue breathing on their own, without needing a breathing tube. Sedation can be safely managed even in the case of an obese patient with sleep apnea.

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Can people breathe under anesthesia?

General anesthesia suppresses many of your body’s normal automatic functions, such as those that control breathing, heartbeat, circulation of the blood (such as blood pressure), movements of the digestive system, and throat reflexes such as swallowing, coughing, or gagging that prevent foreign material from being …

Does Anesthesia make sleep apnea worse?

Surgical patients receive sedation, anesthesia, and opioids during the perioperative period. These medicines have been shown to increase pharyngeal collapse, decrease ventilatory response, and impair the arousal response, leading to worsening of sleep apnea in the perioperative period.

What happens if you stop breathing during a colonoscopy?

If the patient isn’t breathing adequately or stops breathing, the oxygen level in the bloodstream will drop faster than it will in a thin patient. The time available for successful rescue is limited, and if there is no rescue, brain damage or death will be the inevitable result.

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Do they give you oxygen during a colonoscopy?

An oxygen tube will be placed in your nose. Medicine to relax you will then be put into the IV that had been placed in the admitting area. These medications are designed to decrease your awareness and can affect your ability to recall the procedure. Our doctors and nurses are trained in moderate sedation.