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Can you have 2 jobs in Sweden?

Can you have 2 jobs in Sweden?

Best advice is to check with your major employer that it is OK for you to have another job. You may have an implicit contract (via the collective bargaining) that means you need to do so. If in doubt, call the union rep at your new place and ask them.

Does my employer need to know about a second job?

While employees do not have a legal obligation to disclose any other employment to their employers, many employers will restrict you from working elsewhere via a clause in your contract of employment.

Can I do freelance work while employed in Sweden?

Yes but your employer might have a thing or two to say to you if you compete with him for customers… If you freelance in a completely unrelated field, no problem.

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Can you have a job and freelance at the same time?

One common situation is doing freelance work on the side while working a full-time job. This allows you to build up a client base, generate some financial reserves, and have time to do the rest of the necessary preparation to give yourself a running start when you finally take the plunge.

What happens if you lose your job in Sweden?

In Sweden this is called unemployment insurance (arbetslöshetsförsäkring), and a basic sum is paid out to almost anyone who is job-seeking in Sweden. Most people who lose their job will be eligible for up to 350 kronor per day. The basic salary works out as up to 8,000 kronor per month before tax.

How many hours is full time in Sweden?

40 hours
Normal working hours in Sweden are 40 hours a week with an upper limit of 48 hours. Obviously, there is no limit for managers who sometimes have to work at home. Due to the development of telecommunications, more and more Swedes are used to working from home.

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How can I get Swedish citizenship?

How to move to Sweden and become a Swedish citizen

  1. Be at least 18 years old — unless you know someone.
  2. Be able to prove your identity.
  3. Have a permanent residence in Sweden.
  4. Spend five years at that permanent residence.
  5. Be on your best behavior.
  6. Learn Swedish (even if you don’t technically have to).

Can I move to Sweden as a freelancer?

Self-employed persons who are going to work for less than three months in Sweden do not need a residence permit. The citizens of some countries must have a visa even for work lasting less than three months.