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Can you have a first name and no last name?

Can you have a first name and no last name?

Single names There is no law preventing you from being known by a single name, or mononym — that is, a first name only, with no surname — and HM Passport Office should accept such a name, although they may be more sceptical of your application.

Do you have to give your child a last name?

Whether you are married or not, you don’t have to give the baby the last name of either parent if you don’t want to, and the child does not have to have the father’s last name to be considered “legitimate.” (See the article Legitimacy of Children Born to Unmarried Parents for more on the subject.)

Can you name your child a single letter?

Yes, but it depends on where you were born and where you live. My legal first name is an initialism “J.” as written on my birth certificate. That is legal where I was born, the state of California in the United States of America. Others in the country have single letter names without the appended “dot.”

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Is it legal to have no last name?

In the United States, going without a name is not inherently illegal. Police won’t arrest you for not having a name. For instance, you need a legal name on a birth certificate or social security card to obtain a driver’s license or passport, open a bank account and get a job.

What happens if I don’t name my baby?

If your baby doesn’t have a name, they’ll never be able to vote or (legally) work or open a bank account. Sometimes, though, parents still choose not to pick a name. Olympic skier Picabo Street went without a name for years as her parents wanted her to grow up to decide her own name.

Can you legally only have one name?

You can add or remove names, and you can change the spelling of names. There is no law preventing you from being known by a single name, or mononym — that is, a surname only, with no forenames — and HM Passport Office should accept such a name, although they may be more sceptical of your application.

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Is calling yourself Lord legal?

You can call yourself whatever you want as long as you are not defrauding people through its use. ‘ I asked Charles Kidd, editor of Debrett’s Peerage & Baronetage whether my new title merited a place in the prestigious book. If you want to change your title to lord, it is perfectly legal.

What is the title for a girl child?

Miss: Use “Miss” when addressing young girls and women under 30 that are unmarried. Ms.: Use “Ms.” when you are not sure of a woman’s marital status, if the woman is unmarried and over 30 or if she prefers being addressed with a marital-status neutral title. Mrs.: Use “Mrs.” when addressing a married woman.