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Can you have bruised ribs without visible bruise?

Can you have bruised ribs without visible bruise?

An injury may damage the rib but not cause a bruise that you can see. Sometimes it can be hard to tell if a rib is bruised or broken. The symptoms may be the same. And a broken bone can’t always be seen on an X-ray.

How do you tell if I have a bruised rib?

The main symptoms are pain, swelling, and skin discoloration.

  1. The skin overlying the bruise may turn blue, purple, or yellow.
  2. The bruised area is tender and sore.
  3. You may feel pain both when you move and while at rest.
  4. Breathing, coughing, laughing, or sneezing can all cause or increase pain.

How do you tell if you have a bruised rib or pulled muscle?

Tips for identification

  1. Pain: You may feel a sharp pain at the time of injury, or it may come on more gradually.
  2. Tenderness: The area of the strain between your ribs will be sore to the touch.
  3. Difficulty breathing: Because it’s so painful to breathe, you may find yourself taking small, shallow sips of air.
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Can you have a bruise that isn’t visible?

Bruises do not only occur under the skin, but also in deeper tissues, organs, and bones. While these deeper bruises may not show visible signs of bleeding, they can cause pain.

Can you fracture a rib without Realising?

With twelve ribs on each side, it creates a shield that protects hearts and lungs from trauma. Damage to the ribcage can be life-threatening if not evaluated right away. Sometimes the injury is obvious due to a forceful impact, other times a patient tries to tough out pain without realizing they have a rib fracture.

Can you pull a muscle in your side ribs?

They allow your ribcage to expand and contract so you can breathe. But if they stretch too far or tear, intercostal muscle strain is the end result. You can strain the intercostal muscles suddenly or by doing certain movements over and over.

How easy is it to bruise your ribs?

The most typical cause of a bruised rib is a blow to your chest. This can happen in a car accident or during direct contact in a sport such as football. Falling from a ladder or other high place can bruise or break a rib, as can having something heavy fall on your chest.

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Do some bruises never go away?

Bruises aren’t usually serious, and they often clear up without treatment. If you have a bruise that doesn’t go away after 2 weeks, you bruise for no apparent reason, or you have additional symptoms, see your doctor for diagnosis.