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Can you join JROTC in 8th grade?

Can you join JROTC in 8th grade?

The FY2020 NDAA (P.L. 116-92) allows for 8th grade students to participate in JROTC if physically co- located with 9-12th grade students. The law also requires host schools to allow homeschooled students to participate in JROTC.

Can you join JROTC in middle school?

The Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC — commonly pronounced “JAY-rotsee”) is a federal program sponsored by the United States Armed Forces in high schools and also in some middle schools across the United States and at US military bases across the world.

How old should you be to enroll in the JROTC program?

Be between the ages of 17 and 26. Have a high school GPA of at least 2.50 (based on a 4.0 GPA system) Graduate from high school or have a diploma equivalent at the time of college entrance.

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How do I join the Air Force JROTC?

Joining Air Force Junior ROTC

  1. Be enrolled in and attending a regular course of instruction in grades 9 through 12 at a school hosting the unit.
  2. Be selected by the Air Force Junior ROTC instructor with the approval of the school principal or his/her representative.

Is JROTC hard?

IS JROTC TRAINING AS HARD AS IT SOUNDS? Well, the course is demanding, but most of the students who make an effort really enjoy the challenge and thrive on the hard work and discipline.

What if my high school doesnt have JROTC?

If your school doesn’t offer a JROTC program, there are still ways to get involved. “Some high schools have arrangements with other schools nearby that offer the program and allow students to participate off of their campus,” says Col. Balchunas. Or, create something of your own.

Do you have to cut your hair for Air Force ROTC?

My hair must be cut/styled a certain way, and men will have to shave when attending military training – TRUE – we will provide specific details, but all cadets are required to display a professional military appearance during all military training events in accordance with AFI 36-2903.

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What do you do in Air Force Jrotc?

AFJROTC objectives are to educate and train high school cadets in citizenship and life skills; promote community service; instill a sense of responsibility; and develop character, leadership, and self-discipline through education and instruction in air and space fundamentals and the Air Force’s core values of integrity …