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Can you join the Navy SEALs if you are a Marine?

Can you join the Navy SEALs if you are a Marine?

There is no such thing as joining the Marine Corps, then going to the BUD/S program. You can join the Marines, but you have to get out of the Marines and join the Navy to go to BUD/S. See the Navy SEAL and SWCC official site for more information.

How many Marines are Navy SEALs?

The United States Marine Corps (also known as USMC or Marines) is one of the 5 branches of the U.S. military under the Department of Defense. It was created in 1775 as a special service….Comparison chart.

Marines Navy SEALs
Country United States of America United States of America

Which is better a marine or a Navy SEAL?

Navy SEALs are better at being Navy Seals than Marines are. Conversely, Marines are better at being Marines than Navy SEALs are. They have different jobs and have training for those jobs. Both Marines and SEALs are badasses on the battlefield.

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What is the best way to become a Navy SEAL?

Beginning Your Training Go to SEAL Prep School in Great Lakes, IL. Begin BUD/S. Start orientation. Start the physical conditioning phase. Start the Combat Diving portion of BUD/S. Move onto the Land Warfare phase. Begin Parachute Jump School. Move on to SEAL Qualification Training (SQT). Be awarded the prestigious Navy SEAL Trident .

What are the qualifications for becoming a Navy SEAL?

Navy SEAL candidates must undergo the most mentally and physically rigorous training the military has to offer. Initial training lasts 12 months and includes basic orientation, physical conditioning, combat diving instruction, land warfare training, and parachute jump school.

Do you have to be in the Navy to become a Navy SEAL?

A high school diploma or general education diploma is the minimum educational requirement for Navy SEALs. You do not need college credits or a degree to be a candidate for SEAL training.