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Can you keep stolen horses rdr2?

Can you keep stolen horses rdr2?

Similarly to Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Mode, you can “break” wild horses, or steal owned horses, and you can ride with them. However, unlike Story Mode, you can’t saddle or store wild horses and stolen horses in Red Dead Online, and you can’t bond with them. You can only ride a stolen horse temporarily.

Can you steal the Braithwaite horses before the mission?

To start this mission, approach the Gray’s plantation entrance. The Gray man will tell you to steal the Braithwaite’s prized thoroughbred horses, and that you can sell them for $5,000. At least, if you bring them to a man in Clemens Cove, you can get 50 cents on the dollar for them.

Where can I take my stolen horse in Red Dead 2?

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The same time that you unlock the standard fence at Emerald Ranch, you will also unlock the ability to trade in stolen carriages; simply ride them up to the barn doors to engage the wagon fence. On the far-east edge of New Hanover (practically due east of Emerald Ranch) lies Van Horn Trading Post.

Can I get Buell back after Arthur dies?

If the player wishes to keep Buell after the story, they must complete the last part of Hamish’s mission after Chapter 6, as John. If the player completes the mission as Arthur, Buell will be lost along with all the other horses owned by Arthur after the mission “Red Dead Redemption”.

How do I get my stolen horse back in RDR2?

If you just don’t know where you’ve left your horse, you can go into the pause menu and select your map. Then if you press square on PS4 and X on Xbox One, you can bring up the index and the second icon down will be Arthur’s Horse. Moving down and selecting that icon will warp your map to where your lost horse is.

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How do I get my horse back in RDR2?

If your horse is in hearing distance, you can whistle twice by tapping Up on the D-pad and your horse should come right back to you. As you take care of the animal, by petting it, giving it treats, saying supportive nurturing things to it etc, your bond with the horse should grow.

How do you get the Turkoman horse in Red Dead Redemption?


  1. Gold Turkoman: Sold at the Saint Denis Stable during Chapter 4.
  2. Dark Bay Turkoman: Sold at the Blackwater Stable during the Epilogue.
  3. Silver Turkoman: Sold at the Tumbleweed Stable during the Epilogue.

How do I get the Braithwaite horse?

Starts here6:07Get a Braithwaite Stallion in Chapter 3.Turkoman, Black or White ArabianYouTube

Which rdr2 fence pays most?

Saint Denis Fence
The Saint Denis Fence can be found in the market in the east of the city. This is certainly the most successful Fence in the game, considering that he isn’t working out of some kind of makeshift, untoward building.

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Can you sell a stolen horse in Red Dead Redemption 2 online?

Unfortunately, there is currently no way to sell stolen or wild horses in Red Dead Online at the time of this writing. So the convenience of the stables may be enough to make some players happy, even though they are currently unable to sell any stolen or wild horses in Red Dead Online.

Can I keep Hamish’s hat?

The game deems hats like these too irrelevant to give them a permanent spot in your trunk. When you pick up such a hat, you’ll get a message saying it cannot be stored and will be lost if you leave it on the ground.

How do you get the veteran’s horse in RDR2?

Veteran’s Location The veteran can be found right above Three Sisters on your way to O’Creagh’s run. He is located near the road asking for help to get his horse back.