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Can you learn saxophone without a teacher?

Can you learn saxophone without a teacher?

You CAN teach yourself saxophone, yes, but without some kind of help it will be difficult and time consuming. But, if you suddenly want to play your saxophone right now and learn something new, simply log in and pick a lesson ! There is no right or wrong with learning how to play the saxophone.

How can I learn sax by myself?

5 Methods on How to Learn Saxophone at Home by Yourself

  1. 1) Online Courses and Lessons. ARTISTWORKS – Eric Marienthal Jazz Saxophone Lesson.
  2. 2) Watch Videos Online on YouTube.
  3. 3) Listen to Professional Saxophonists.
  4. 4) Smartphone Training Apps.
  5. 5) 6 Tips for Better Saxophone Playing.

Is the alto saxophone easy to learn?

How Easy Is It To Start Learning Saxophone? In terms of learning the saxophone, it’s one of the easiest instruments. The scales run up and down the keys, making it perfect for beginners or people who are switching from the piano or other woodwind instruments with similar technique.

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Is it hard to self learn saxophone?

Like many instruments, the saxophone isn’t too difficult to begin playing but challenging to master. Many people say that it’s easy to make a sound on the saxophone but harder to make a good sound. However, self-discipline and a few other tips can make all the difference and have you playing like a pro in no time!

Is learning the alto saxophone worth it?

It is a great deal if you know how to play the alto saxophone, but the deal is that learning the instrument takes time and dedication. The alto sax is a very versatile instrument, and it allows you to explore several styles and genres of music.

How do you play basic notes on the saxophone?

Playing Basic Notes Blow air into the mouthpiece without pressing any keys. Your goal is to create a clear, consistent sound as you blow into the mouthpiece. Place your left index finger on the second button to play a B note. Find the second button down from the top on the neck of the sax.

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Can you learn saxophone by Yourself online?

But doing research or discovering a new technique is quite the contrary to learning saxophone entirely online. Lets take a technique like Tonguing. Now, hopefully most of you, who have been kind enough to read up to this point, should know what Tonguing is in a Saxophone context.

Can you play the saxophone while sitting down?

This frees up that side of your body to hold the saxophone and prevents you from banging it against the chair. You can play the sax standing up, but beginners find it easier to learn the instrument while sitting down. Avoid comfortable chairs, like recliners, since these make it difficult to maintain good posture.