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Can you own an American Pitbull Terrier in the UK?

Can you own an American Pitbull Terrier in the UK?

The pit bull terrier is a banned breed in the UK, meaning you cannot own, sell, or breed them, and risk an unlimited fine or six months in prison (or both) for having gone against the law.

Why is the American pit bull terrier banned?

Why are Pitbulls banned in some places? Mostly because Pitbulls have garnered a reputation for being aggressive and governments would rather remove Pitbulls from the population than work to educate the public on how to responsibly care for and coexist with this wonderful, powerful, breed.

Are Amstaff legal in the UK?

Are Staffordshire bull terriers going to be banned in the UK? It is not illegal to own and keep a Staffordshire bull terrier – more frequently known as a ‘Staffy’ – in the UK, as the breed is not listed in the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.

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Are pit bull crosses banned in the UK?

All pitbulls and pitbull crosses are banned in the UK. Pitbull crosses are not banned. Pitbull ‘types’ are but a pitbull/gsd, for example, may be perfectly legal depending on how it looks.

What dogs are banned in UK?

Banned dogs

  • Pit Bull Terrier.
  • Japanese Tosa.
  • Dogo Argentino.
  • Fila Brasileiro.

Are pitbulls illegal in England?

In the UK, it’s against the law to own certain types of dog. These are the: Pit Bull Terrier.

Is Cane Corso banned in UK?

Cane Corsos are a Mastiff type breed of dog, thought to have originally descended from a Roman war dog. Tail docking in the Cane Corso breed is illegal in the UK and must be reported to RSPCA. Ear cropping is also illegal in the UK and needs to be reported to RSPCA if discovered.

Is a pitbull cross illegal in UK?

Are pitbulls illegal in the UK 2021?

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Is an American Bully banned in the UK?

Nope American bully’s are legal to keep and breed over here in the UK, the only breeds that are banned are the Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino and the Fila Brasileiro.

What type of pitbull is legal in UK?

Staffordshire Bull Terriers look similar to Pit Bulls, but they’re legal and common pets. There is a loophole though. If you can prove a dog’s safe, despite it being a banned breed, then you can get a certificate of exemption. This means you can keep it, but you have to get special insurance.