Popular lifehacks

Can you remove POI from Google Maps?

Can you remove POI from Google Maps?

You cannot remove markers from maps that were not created through your own Google account. If you delete the wrong marker by accident, click the “Undo” link that appears near the top of the map. This link will remain until you make another change to the map, such as moving or editing another marker.

How do I remove a marker from Google Maps API?

To remove a marker from the map, call the setMap() method passing null as the argument. marker. setMap(null); Note that the above method does not delete the marker.

How do you stop pop ups on Google Maps?

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This notification can be turned off by following the instructions mentioned here: Google Maps Help -> Turn Google Maps notifications on or off:

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app .
  2. Tap the Menu Settings Notifications.
  3. Tap “Your Contributions”
  4. Turn off the “Rate and Reviews” switch.

How do I hide points of interest on Google Maps?

You will be able to hide points of interests by navigating to Maps -> Edit -> Advanced Settings -> Scroll down to “Hide point of interest” -> Please enable this option.

How do I show only pins on Google Maps?

Enter the Venue Name, then, in the Address box above the map area, type the address for the location (or get as close as you can). Click and drag the pin to the specific location you would like to display. The Address you just typed in will change. That’s okay!

How do I remove a marker from Google Maps IOS?

You can remove a marker from the map by setting the map property of the GMSMarker to nil . Alternatively, you can remove all of the overlays (including markers) currently on the map by calling the GMSMapView clear method.

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How do I get rid of blue pins on Google Maps?

How to remove the pin. If you want to remove the pin from Google Maps, simply right click on it and select “Remove this destination.” Poof, it’s gone.

How do you make a clean map on Google Maps?

In My Maps you can change the base map. At the bottom of the left panel you’ll see an option “Base map”. Click the arrow next to that and you’ll see a choice of nine base maps. You may be able to find one that suits you better.

How do you change the color of a marker on a leaflet?

You should check out Leaflet. StyleEditor on GitHub. It took me a while to figure out how to get the demo to work, but 1) click the Style tool, 2) click the marker, 3) key point… change the icon setting to something other than default, 4) select color.

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How do you remove a polyline leaflet?

Remove a Drawn Polyline from LeafLet Map

  1. Just call st_line.remove(mymap) or mymap.removeLayer(st_line) . Sometimes reading docs can help: leafletjs.com/reference-1.5.0.html#layer and leafletjs.com/reference-1.5.0.html#map.
  2. Actually, in my case, there was a scoping issue from where I was trying to remove it.

Why are there blue pins on Google maps?

Google Maps Blue Pins Are For Locations You Searched Near; For Example… You can see, the blue dot here is the Empire State Building, with red dots representing the restaurants and I see some brown dots, orange ones and more.