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Can you sell a replica on eBay?

Can you sell a replica on eBay?

Counterfeit products are illegal and not allowed on eBay. Examples include: Fakes, copies, or replicas of brand name items (for example, a shoe with the Nike name or logo that wasn’t made by Nike)

Are movie props copyrighted?

Copyright is designed to protect artistic expression, or those elements that reflect a degree of creativity. Functional aspects of a work (or, in this case, prop) aren’t protected by copyright, and you can copy those without issue.

How can I sell my props online?

How it works

  1. Sign-up to the platform.
  2. Create your offer or bid.
  3. Set a quantity & price.
  4. Provide us with crop characteristics & details.
  5. Decide upon your preferred incoterm.
  6. Decide upon logistic and/or crop quality check services.
  7. Post your seller offer or buyer bid.
  8. Stay updated by email or notification centre.
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Can you sell replicas on offer up?

The sale of bootlegs, counterfeits, fakes, and unauthorized or pirated copies of items is illegal and not allowed on OfferUp, including: Counterfeits, fakes, and replicas of brand-name items, including items “inspired” by a brand without permission of the owner.

Can you sell replicas in a store?

Specifically, you should obtain a license from the source of the goods authorizing you to sell the replicas. If you sell goods without somehow getting permission, you risk being on the wrong side of an infringement lawsuit–and possible criminal prosecution.

Can you buy wholesale and sell on Etsy?

For example, a traditional wholesale or resale business isn’t viable on Etsy. Items in the Handmade category must be original and handmade (or made from an original design with the assistance of a verified production partner). The Vintage category does allow reselling, but only of items that are at least 20 years old.

What is prepaid shipping on OfferUp?

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When a seller accepts an offer, we automatically email them a prepaid shipping label. They just pack up the item, label it, and drop it in the mail. No hassling with making sure they get your contact info correct.

Why can’t I post on OfferUp?

Possible issues include inaccurate photos or descriptions, duplicate listings, or including other content we don’t allow. An item may also be removed if it’s prohibited on OfferUp. Some items aren’t allowed because they present legal risks or may pose health and safety issues.