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Can you travel in Italy without speaking Italian?

Can you travel in Italy without speaking Italian?

You do not need to speak Italian to visit Italy. Most Italians working at tourist destinations such as hotels, restaurants, airports, and train stations speak English. However, if you want to get the most out of your trip to Italy I do recommend learning a few keywords and phrases.

Can you get around Rome speaking English?

English is not spoken as widely in Rome as it is in other European capitals, so locals appreciate it when visitors make an effort to converse in Italian. Though a simple “scusi, non parlo Italiano” (sorry, I don’t speak Italian) will work across the board.

Do they speak English in Venice Italy?

Venice – Receives millions of English speaking tourists each year so English proficiency is decent enough to a basic level in the main central tourist areas and hotels, restaurants, museums etc. Some people associated with the tourist trade – gift shops and restaurants – will speak English, but nowhere near everyone.

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Do they speak English in Florence Italy?

In Florence, everyone speaks English very well; it can be difficult to win them over and get them to speak Italian with you. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. Knowing how to communicate, or simply putting forth some effort, will dramatically change your experience abroad. You’ll earn Italians trust and respect.

Do taxi drivers in Italy speak English?

Key Italian phrases you need for taking a taxi: In Italy there are a lot of taxi drivers who may not speak fluent English so if you don’t want to get lost, it’s better if you know your key phrases.

What is Italy’s favorite color?

Azzurro (literally, azure) is the national color of Italy. The light blue color, together with the tricolor flag, is a symbol of Italy.

Should I learn Italian before going to Italy?

Italian for Travelers to Italy. It’s a good idea to learn a few basic Italian words and phrases before you travel to Italy. Although English is spoken in most touristic parts of Italy, knowing a little bit of Italian will help you have a better experience and make you feel more comfortable while in Italy.