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Can you use automotive paint on kitchen cabinets?

Can you use automotive paint on kitchen cabinets?

You can use automotive paint on your wood cabinetry. If you are renovating your home and are hoping to repurpose old cabinets from the kitchen or bathroom, you might want to give them a fresh coat of paint. Rather than buy new paint, you might wish to use some automotive paint that you have on hand.

Can you use automotive clear on wood?

Modern Automotive clears are acrylic urethanes and they work super on wood. Imron and Algrip are linear polyurethanes and they too work super on wood and are used extensively on boats.

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Does automotive primer work on wood?

Since most of these primers are formulated to be used on metal or plastic surfaces; they are not recommended for spraying over wood, walls, concrete, or other such porous surfaces.

Can I use spray paint on kitchen cabinets?

For an extra smooth and professional-looking finish, many paint experts recommend spray painting kitchen cabinets. Spray painting kitchen cabinets is also a good way to go if your cabinets have raised panels and lots of areas that might be hard to paint with a paintbrush or roller.

What is the most durable automotive paint?

Urethane paint
Urethane paint is the most durable auto paint and is also chip-resistant—when properly maintained, a coat of urethane paint will outlast most acrylic paints.

Can you spray 2k paint on wood?

Can be applied direct to surfaces without the need to prime. We do suggest when applying to hard woods, a high build primer is used to cover knots and grain if this is the desired finish.

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Can you spray 2K paint on wood?

Can I use rustoleum automotive primer on wood?

Rust-Oleum® Primer Surfacer is designed to improve adhesion of the final topcoat and enhance the finish color. This all purpose primer is suitable for use on metal, fiberglass, and wood. Do not use of surfaces that will come into direct contact with heat or temperatures exceeding 350°F.

What kind of paint is used to spray kitchen cabinets?

The best spray paint for kitchen cabinet facings is a universal solvent-based paint or solvent-based paint formulated for the surface you will paint. We use solvent-based paint in our professional line of work because it is specifically formulated to form a hard and durable finish.

How much does it cost to spray paint kitchen cabinets?

If you go the spray paint route, expect to pay around $40 per linear foot to do the upper cabinets and $80 per linear foot to do the lower cabinets. Spray painting cabinets enables the use of high-quality lacquer paint for greater durability.

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What is the easiest automotive paint to spray?

If you’re painting a car by yourself, the easiest type of paint that you can use is acrylic urethane. Acrylic urethane is great for do-it-yourself car painting because it’s very easy to apply.