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Can you use hyphens in Google ads?

Can you use hyphens in Google ads?

Google’s system doesn’t recognize commas, periods, hyphens, or non-letter characters when they appear in keywords, the hyphens in your keyword are stripped out of the search terms and treated as spaces.

How many keywords should you use in Adwords?

The best rule of thumb is to use no more than 20 keywords per ad group. Sometimes you can get away with using a few more, but exceeding a 20 keyword limit is a sign that your ad copy isn’t matching the keyword being searched as closely as it could.

How are ad groups structured?

Each ad group should be connected to the goal of the campaign. The keywords should be themed, and the ad copy should then be closely related to the keywords in the ad group and properly reflect the intent of those search queries. This is critical for achieving high Quality Scores.

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Can you use superlatives in Google ads?

Ads can also be disapproved if they contain superlatives and comparatives such as “best,” “#1,” “top,” “better than,” “faster than,” etc. If your ad uses a superlative or competitive claim, you need to support that claim by showing third-party verification on your landing page.

What punctuation is allowed in Google ads?

Ads doesn’t allow ad text that uses non-standard, gimmicky, or unnecessary punctuation, numbers, letters, symbols, capitalization, or repetition of words or phrases; incorrect grammar or spelling; or inappropriate spacing between words or punctuation.

Should you use broad match Google ads?

Through agency-wide testing, we’ve found that using broad match in Google Ads, paired with automated bidding such as Maximize Conversions or Target CPA, can be extremely effective at capturing low CPC searches that are just as relevant as the ones in your core campaigns.

How do I organize my Google Adwords?

Google Ads is organized into three layers: account, campaigns, and ad groups. Your account is associated with a unique email address, password, and billing information. Your campaigns have their own budget and settings that determine where your ads appear. Your ad groups contain a set of similar ads and keywords.

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What is the difference between ad campaign and ad group?

The biggest difference is that ad groups are one level lower than campaigns in the account hierarchy. Campaigns then directly control the goal and budget, while Ad groups oversee the bids/CPC, audience/targeting, placement, and delivery options chosen to capture the audience.