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Can your eyesight get worse after PRK?

Can your eyesight get worse after PRK?

In the first day or so after PRK, vision in the treated eye may be good. As the top surface layer heals, your vision may actually get slightly worse. This is expected and due to the slightly “bumpy“ nature of the new epithelium under the bandage soft contact lens.

How long after PRK can I see 20 20?

Most people see 20/20 or better after PRK, as clearly as they would after LASIK. But vision recovery takes longer after PRK, and it may be three to six months before optimum vision is attained. In some cases, prescription glasses may be needed temporarily until healing progresses and vision improves.

How many times can you have PRK eye surgery?

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If you choose to have a second PRK procedure, there’s nothing to worry about. Subsequent/follow-up surgery is usually the same as the original procedure in that the entire epithelium will be removed to allow access to the underlying cornea in order to reshape it.

How long does blurry vision last after PRK?

The first few weeks after your procedure will see you experiencing significant fluctuations in your vision. Your eyesight will then continue to improve until your vision becomes stable. This may take anywhere from a few weeks to a maximum of six months.

Is PRK worse than Lasik?

Ultimately, neither LASIK nor PRK is better or worse than the other. Both are relatively low-risk procedures when performed on suitable candidates, and both are capable of producing exceptional results. Modern technology has made both procedures safer and more dependable than ever before.

Can eyes be lasered twice?

In most cases the answer is yes and further treatment is possible, even a decade after the initial laser vision correction procedure. Laser vision correction normally improves distance vision for life, but natural changes in the prescription can occur and it’s not uncommon to need a second treatment many years later.